Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Crossfit update

Saturday 080209
Run or Row 5K

Run on treadmill @ 2% grade: 24:53. I'm pretty happy with this.

Sunday 080210

Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Maxed out at 405. Got 415 about 90% of the way there, but forgot my chalk and found grip to be the limiting factor. I did some grip strengthening exercises after this. Walked around with a 90 lb dumbbell in each hand. Serious forearm pump.

Tuesday 080212
Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:

2 Muscle-ups (sub 6 pullups, 6 dips for each round)
4 Handstand Push-ups (done to 4lb medicine ball)
8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings (70 lb dumbbell swings)

9 rounds, done Wednesday morning as Owen didn't want to cooperate at the gym on Tuesday night. The dumbbell swings fried me. Major aerobic debt, plus grip strength was going towards the end (see previous comment about grip strengthening exercises.)

Wednesday 080213

75 pound Power snatch, 75 reps for time.
6:04. I was really under the gun on this one, as Owen wasn't cooperating again. Able to crank through pretty quickly. It would be great to beat 5:00 next time. I could definitely feel that this was the second "hero" workout of the day.

It's hard to read the stories and the tributes on the Crossfit comment boards about the heros. Many who knew or served with the fallen check in to share their memories, and it really tears me up. I don't know, with Owen being around, it makes everything seem more real about what's at stake. It was nice to be able to give it my all and think about these guys and what they stood for and what they gave to those of us who have so much.

To all those who serve, thank you.

...and now, the little scream-monster is doing a halfhearted attempt at screaming, but a fully committed attempt at shaking his crib apart.

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