Saturday, November 18, 2006

Brave New Workshop's Christmas Show

The fetal support unit and I went to see the opening night of BNW's "Christmas- The Other White Holiday" last night.

More on the show in a bit. We got there a little late, as I had to get in my workout. I'm closing in on a year of Crossfit, so I'll post my thoughts in a couple of weeks.

Back to BNW. They had food, which was good, because I was starving. So I found some munchies and commenced munching. An older gentlemen walked up, picked up a bag of tortilla chips, then inspected one of the small round tubs on the table. It was full of green avocado-ey goodness. He asks, to nobody in particular, "What's this stuff?"

You know you're in Minnesota when people don't know what Guacamole is. "Put it down sir, you wouldn't like it. It's probably too spicy for you, and it's never been near a cow, it's not made from fish, it's never been fermented, and there's no way you can make it into a hot dish. It's not for you."

Mind you, we weren't out-state... we were in Uptown. I could tell because everybody that was good looking was dressed in black, ill-fitting, frumpy clothes. Yup, these clothes said "I'm so good looking, I have to dress badly and wear clunky glasses."

I mean, I could understand if we were just west of Cowfuck, WI. Not knowing what guacamole is could be something of a badge of cheesehead/outstate pride in some areas. But in Uptown? Wow.

After that, I waited in line for the bathroom. BNW is strangely egalitarian. There are two one-holers, and one line forms for both of them. I was standing behind a black guy, who clearly needed to go because he was dancing around. He asked me "is there just the one bathroom?"

"No, there's two, but there's just one line. I guess it's fairer that way."

"What? Since when is this country fair? Since the election we're all into equal rights? Man, if this was the 1940's, I'd be finished by now!"

I couldn't much argue with him there. Given the demographic makeup of the crowd, he'd have had time to read the paper and catch up on the news, and nobody would have much cared.

The show itself was great. There was a lot of swearing, pretty much nothing was sacred, and even the Muslims got a few friendly pokes, along with the Jews, the whites, the Lutherans, the Catholics, politicians, UPS, and all of our standard Christmas stereotypes.

I laughed so much my cheeks (the ones on my face) hurt today. If you get the chance, go see the show. Last year's effort was good, but this year it's obvious the cast has matured and grown.

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