Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Small Japanese Holes

Okay, so no hits on "heterogeneous." I guess everybody is more educated than I thought.

We got this wonderful bit of Japanglish at work today:

"As there is no chaplet, a shift may occur."

What? What's a chaplet? I turned to the web:

Main Entry: chap·let
Pronunciation: 'chap-l&t
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English chapelet, from Middle French, from Old French, diminutive of chapel hat, garland, from Medieval Latin cappellus head covering, from Late Latin cappa
1 : a wreath to be worn on the head
2 a : a string of beads b : a part of a rosary comprising five decades
3 : a small molding carved with small decorative forms

So it's a wreath?... a rosary?

I looked around, and all the top hits on Google showed that it had some religious significance. The email referred to a drawing, and it appeared that, to the Japanese, a chaplet was a small hole.

I'm discussing the email with a coworker, and explain that I think that chaplet has some religious significance, but that the drawing showed a hole.

"So it's a Catholic hole?" he asked.

"No, it's holey, not holy..."

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