Sunday, July 31, 2005

Look, Cletus, them's the bahks th' ambiggusly gay duo dun rode all th'way frum San Franciscah...  Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Victory tank reflecting the Victory Logo. Posted by Picasa

Ummmm... yeah, right, it's the watercooled Indian... yeah, that's the ticket... Kawasaki Drifter trying to be American. Posted by Picasa

Turns out it's in the same mini-mall as the spine injury and pain center. How fitting. Posted by Picasa

Hell has been found. It exists in Spirit Lake, Iowa. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

How To: Building a BlueSniper Rifle – Part 1 : TomsNetworking :

How To: Building a BlueSniper Rifle - Some inventive geeks have built a Bluetooth Sniper Rifle capable of recognizing Bluetooth devices from a mile away. The fact that the hardware to do this is extremely low-powered and small means that Bluetooth "Land Mines" are also a possibility. I've been thinking about getting a bluetooth phone... now I'm not as sure.